Meet your instructor Shirkendra Dancy.

Shirkendra’s yoga journey began in August 2016, where she practiced Hot Body Yoga online with Denise Austin. She made a habit of practicing every day to continue her recovery from Lupus Nephritis in January of that year. Due to the severity of her illness and frequent stays at the hospital, she had to quit her job and focus on her health. She decided that once her body became mobile and strong enough she would do anything it took to stay healthy and alive. Shirkendra continued her rigorous renal diet to kick her kidneys back into shape and after 6 months she finally went into remission.

During this healing time, she and her husband traveled to South Carolina by the ocean to ease her mind and calm her nerves. Shirkendra found happiness and joy there. She felt at peace when the waves would rush up on her feet and legs. The sand between her toes as she walked up and down the boardwalk and God’s love shining on her face was electrifying. Although in remission, her mind had to recoup from the trauma of being chronically ill.

Shirkenda wanted to bring awareness and make a positive impact on her community by volunteering with the Lupus Foundation of America. She formed a team and they all helped fundraise and participate in The Lupus Walk 2017 in Cleveland. She also helped facilitate lupus education classes at her church. Her vision of a powerful life force was just beginning.

In 2018, she became a homeowner and gave birth to her daughter a year later. However, her loyalty to yoga came to a standstill during the pandemic. Being a full-time teacher with her eldest son and taking care of her baby girl took a toll on her mentally, physically and spiritually.

Then she realized that something was missing. She got sick and tired of being sick and tired. Getting colds and flares back-to-back was getting ridiculous. So, she prayed for a way out, a path that would get her back on track with her health. She didn’t have time to be back in the hospital. She knew her suffering had a purpose. Then the emails came…

Shirkendra received several messages from a local black owned yoga studio to take some free classes. She actually knew one of the teachers from her church and was amazed at how personable and professional the team was. The seed was planted for her to pursue her dream of becoming a yoga teacher.

With the support of her family, Shirkendra took a leap of faith and signed up for Spring Yoga Teacher Training 2022. During her 200-hour training, trainees were asked to write down their short-term and long-term goals. Shirkendra desires to start private yoga in-person and online classes for patients in hospitals, individuals and groups. She believes that creating a program tailored to your specific needs is so beneficial for our everyday lifestyle. One day she wants to have the opportunity to travel the world and teach internationally.

On June 5th, Shirkendra completed her 200-hour yoga certification and graduated from Dawn M. Rivers School of Yoga. She celebrated with 7 other trainees whom she now claims as her brother and sisters. Their instructor Dawn created a beautiful ceremony for them. They all sang, danced, laughed and cried. The journey wasn’t over, it was just beginning.

At the end of June, Shirkendra enrolled into the Business of Yoga Academy online course under the instruction of Dawn’s mentorship program. Here, she learned the fundamentals of navigating the industry of yoga. On August 26, she received her certificate of completion from The BOY Academy. Shirkenda’s focus and determination on her goals are contributed by her educational background with a Bachelor’s in English and a Masters of Science and Leadership.

Shirkendra will continue to be a student for life and learn from the experiences that have shaped and molded her for her journey. She now welcomes opportunities to teach private in-person and online meditation and yoga classes for areas of Northeast Ohio: Cleveland, Akron, Canton and Youngstown.

Yoga can be practiced by anyone and anywhere! Shirkendra offers Virtual Yoga on Zoom, In-person Group Events, Private Yoga and Reiki Sessions. She allows you to work at your own pace, identify your goals and needs, feel comfortable in a safe space and know that the class is all about YOU.

Shirkendra’s main focus is wellness and self-care for women. Her core values are inclusivity, commitment, healing, and service. Shirkendra helps women build healthy habits to move mindfully and become self-aware of how they feel. She is grateful and honored to be a living testimony and a guiding light.